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The dance theatre production (B) is the powerful heavyweight clash between three boxers and seven dancers. From a variety of backgrounds, they all throw everything they have into the dance ring. In dazzling group choreographies and intimate duets, their interior worlds debate with the unrelenting outside world. Frenetic soundscapes and old arias, together with live and recorded video footage, enhance the performers in a set designed to recall boxing arenas.

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In (B), a large-scale dance-theatre production, the artistic choreographic duo of Koen Augustijnen and Rosalba Torres Guerrero draws the audience with them deep into their fascination for both Ars Pugilistica - the art of boxing - and the art of dance in all its contemporary multiformity.

For this dance creation they have invited 3 boxers and 7 dancers onto the stage. 1 composer, 1 video artist and 1 set designer are creating an auditory, visual and tactile space. Together with this team, the choreographers want to find a way to transform and transcend the reality of boxing as an ‘arena’ sport into the fiction of the stage. How can these two worlds influence each other. When does boxing become dancing? And vice versa? Augustijnen and Torres are intrigued by the contrast between the public image and the human figure that hides behind the facade. Instead of only staging the public image, they want to research the hidden and more intimate side. They want to reveal their vulnerability. Boxers and dancers are both in their own way “stage animals”, each with their own strategies, but aiming for a different goal.


When does boxing become dancing? And vice versa?

Hyper-individuality, exhibitionism, theatricality, vitality, solitude, vulnerability and public persona versus a more intimate, hidden side, plus the choreographic transformation of the movements of boxing and contemporary dance, these are the fundamental elements of this creation.

Augustijnen en Torres Guerrero’s choice of dance theatre is motivated by the belief in the vitality of dance and the expressive possibilities of its rough and physical energy. The cross-over between dance and theatre, with a focus on non-verbal communication, provides them with the space to create meaning in a dramatic and poetic way. It leaves the audience the opportunity to experience and interpret the performance in their own imagination.

The choreographers are starting out from the individuality of the boxers and dancers with whom they are working. They question the boxers/dancers continuously and guide them through the creation process, in which they discover and develop movement qualities based on the questions that were asked.

This new work celebrates the diversity of movement and dance languages and shows how they can respectfully stand next to each other or be transformed and mixed. The duo deliberately uses hybridity, cultural mixing and eclectism to generate new meanings out of inter-disciplinary cross-overs.

Rhythm is everything in boxing.
Every move you make starts with your heart,
and that's in rhythm or you're in trouble.

Sugar Ray Robinson



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Tour dates


15-16 march > Clermont - Ferrand (FR)

La Comédie

21 march > Maubeuge (FR)

Le Manège

23 march > Véilizy-Villacoublay (FR)

L'Onde-Centre d'Arts

27 march > Linz (AU)

Posthof Linz- Festival Tanztage

30 march > Mainz (A)

Staattheater Mainz

3-4 april > Rouen (FR)

Centre Dramatique National

11 april > Evry (FR)

SN / Théâtre de l'Agora

14 april > Utrecht (NL)


30 april > Diest (B)


3-4 may> Antwerpen (B)

Het Paleis

10 may > Nûrenberg (A)

Tafelhalle / KunstKulturQuartier

14 may > Auch (FR)


21-22 may > Bologna (IT)

Arena del Sole / Theatro delle molino

31 may > 1 june Johannesburg/Soweto (SA)

Market theatre

7-8 june Capetown (SA)

Baxter theatre

Charleroi > 26, 27 jan - Charleroi Danses / Les Écuries (B)

Luxemburg > 6, 7 fev

Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg (LUX)

Mons > 9 fev

Mons Arts de la scène (B)

Ghent > 1, 2, 3 march

Kunstencentrum Vooruit (B)

Dilbeek > 7 march

CC Westrand (B)

Bornem > 9 march

CC Ter Dilft (B)

Paris> 29, 30, 31 march
Parc et Grande Halle de la Villette (F)


Tours > 18, 19 april

Centre Chorégraphique National de Tours (F)

Turnhout > 26 april

De Warande (B)


Villeneuve d’Ascq > 15, 16, 17 may

La Rose des Vents (F)

Châlon-en Champagne > 24 may

La Comète (F)

Den Bosch > 2-3-4 august

Festival Boulevard, (NL)

Dusseldorf > 1 september
Tanz Messe (D)


Hannover > 3 september

TANZtheater International (D)

Genève > 6 september

La Batie festival (CH)

Tour Dates
Cast & Credits

Cast & Credits

Concept and choreography:

Koen Augustijnen & Rosalba Torres Guerrero
in collaboration with the dancers/boxers:

Arturo Franc Vargas, Giulia Piana, Tayeb Benamara, Sophia Rodriguez, Karim Kalonji, Mohammed Smahneh, Rosalba Torres Guerrero, Aubry Zabo and Bolaji Jabulani Oki

Also created by:

Yipoon Chiem, Alka Matewa, Samuel Koussedoh and Sinan Durmaz

Muhammad Ali
The fight is won or lost
far away from witnesses -
behind the lines, in the gym
and out there on the road,
long before I dance
under those lights.


Dirk Verstockt
Composition/sound design:

Sam Serruys

Light design and technical direction:

Michel Delvigne

Lucas Racasse, assisted by Laurane Perche / MDB Prod

Submarine camera:

Bernard Vervoort

Jean-Bernard Koeman


Sophia Rodriguez, karim Kalonji

Fabrication of accessories:

Sara Júdice de Menezes

Costumes, production assistant and tour manager:

Nicole Petit

Boxe coach:

Giorgi Shakhsuvarian


Gloed vzw

Charleroi Danse, Kunstencentrum Vooruit, Victoria Deluxe, Action Zoo Humain, Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg, La Villette (Paris),  Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione (Bologna), La Rose des Vents (Villeneuve d’Ascq), Le Manège (Maubeuge), CC De Grote Post (Ostende), La Comédie de  Clermont-Ferrand Scène Nationale

With the support of the Flemish Community, the City of Ghent, Action Zoo Humain, and the A.M. Qattan Foundation.

Frans Brood Productions


Frans Brood Productions


Gie Baguet & Tine Scharlaken

+32 9 234 12 12

Jalaluddin Rumi
“Dance, when you're broken open.
Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting.
Dance in your blood.
Dance when you're perfectly free.”



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